What fruit can dogs eat – It might seem like a strange question but your dog doesn’t eat anything like the human diet so you have to adapt what you feed based on their own unique needs.
As with the human diet, there are some fruits that are high in certain nutrients which are good for your dog, for example, vitamin C which helps with the immune system, and iron for anemia.
But just like human junk food, just because something is classed as fruit does not mean that it is healthy for your dog.
In this article, we look at the best fruits for dogs including the worst ones so that you can make informed choices on what to feed your dog.
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Table of Contents
Best fruits for dogs
The following fruits are generally the best for your dog with foods lower in sugar and with more nutritional content being the best for your dog.
Apple – Apples are a nutritious fruit for both humans and dogs. They are rich in vitamins C, calcium, phosphorus, and dietary fiber. If you give apples to your dog, cut them into small pieces and remove the seeds.
Bananas – Bananas are rich in potassium, biotin, vitamins, and fiber. They are also high in sugar, so don’t serve them in large portions. Banana peels can be difficult for dogs to digest, so it’s best to avoid feeding them to your pet.
Blueberries – Blueberries are good antioxidant food for your dog, as they are good sources of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and carbs which provide an antioxidant effect. It is recommended that your dog consume no more than 10% of his or her daily calories as blueberries.
Pears – Yes, dogs can safely eat pears. Pears are a great snack for dogs because they’re high in copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. Some research has suggested that eating pears can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50 percent.
Strawberries – A tasty, tart berry that is excellent for your dog although they do have a fairly high sugar content so feed in moderation. Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, they strengthen your dog’s immune system.
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What fruit can dogs eat
Apricot – Did you know that the pit of apricot contains cyanide? If your dog swallows it, it could get lodged in its throat and cause serious health problems. However, the fleshy part of the fruit is perfectly safe for them to eat and actually contains beta carotene, which helps improve vision.
Cantaloupe – While cantaloupe is safe and hydrating for dogs to eat, it is high in sugar and should not be given to diabetic or overweight pups. Be sure to remove all of the rinds before serving.
Coconut – Coconut meat and coconut oil share similar health benefits since they come from the same fruit. Coconut is non-toxic to dogs, but it may cause some gastrointestinal upset and bloating due to its medium-chain triglycerides content.
Pineapple – This delicious tropical fruit is a good source of vitamin B along with manganese and a number of other nutrients. It is important to avoid the core, skin, or indigestible parts of pineapple, as these can cause intestinal obstructions.
Peaches – Peaches are a refreshing summer fruit that is high in fiber and vitamin A. Peaches can help fight infection and make a great addition to any summertime meal. Just remember to remove the pit before sharing it with your furry friend, as peach pits contain cyanide which can be toxic to dogs if ingested.
Oranges – Oranges are rich in nutrients, potassium, and fiber, and low in sodium, making them a healthy snack if given in limited amounts. This fruit is also rich in vitamin C, which can benefit your dog’s immune system.
Lemons and Limes – Although these are considered vegetables by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are classed as fruits by most people. They are a great source of vitamin C for your dog along with small amounts of iron.
Watermelon – This summer staple is a good source of the antioxidants vitamin A and vitamin C along with a range of minerals.
Papaya – This tropical fruit is excellent for your dog’s digestive health containing the enzymes papain and chymopapain to help digest meat and vegetables. Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin C and carotenoids.
Raspberries: Raspberries can be a healthy treat for dogs when given in moderation. They contain antioxidants that can be beneficial for your dog’s health and are low in sugar and calories. Raspberries are also a good source of fiber, manganese, and vitamin C. Senior dogs can especially benefit from raspberries, as their anti-inflammatory properties can help with aging joints.
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The BEST FRUIT for DOGS – Benefits and Servings
FAQ: Dogs and Fruits
What’s the Best Way to Prepare Fruits for Dogs?
There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing fruits for dogs. First, make sure to wash the fruit thoroughly to remove any pesticides or other contaminants. Second, cut the fruit into small pieces to make it easier for your dog to eat. And finally, avoid giving your dog any fruits that are high in sugar, as this can cause them to gain weight or develop health problems.
Can Dogs Eat Fruit Snacks?
It is a common misconception that fruit snacks are healthy for dogs. In reality, fruit snacks are loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients, which can be harmful to dogs. Dogs can develop obesity and diabetes from eating too many fruit snacks.
How Much Fruit Can a Dog Have?
No more than 10% of your dog’s diet should be made up of treats, including fruit. If you’re giving your dog both fruit and other kinds of treats, make sure to adjust the total amount of treats so that it doesn’t exceed 10% of their diet.
There are a variety of different fruits that can be good for dogs, depending on the individual dog’s needs. Some of the best options are mentioned above in this blog. Clearing the skin and seeds from the fruit is important to prevent your dog from ingesting toxic compounds. Even small amounts of these substances can be harmful to your pet, so please take care to remove them completely before feeding any fruit to your dog.
What fruit can dogs eat