Can dogs eat apples?

Can dogs eat apples? The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. There are a few things you need to take into account before you decide to give your dog an apple.

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Can dogs eat apples?

Apples are a great addition to your dog’s diet because they contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fibre. They also serve to keep your dog’s teeth clean and freshen their breath!

However, before feeding the apple to your dog, make sure to remove the core and seeds. The seeds contain very little cyanide, but this chemical is only released when they are chewed, so swallowing a couple of pips is unlikely to cause problems.

Apple’s Health Benefits

Apples are a great source of vitamin C and A, fibre, phosphorus, and calcium in a low-calorie package! They also contain quercetin, a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties1. Apple skin, in particular, contains a lot of those vitamins if your dog will eat it. It’s also completely safe to consume; just stick to organic apples.

Remember to remove and discard any brown or rotten spots, just like you would for yourself.

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Can I Give My Dog An Apple?

There is one disadvantage to feeding apples. Seeds are not suitable for dogs to eat because they contain trace amounts of the toxic substance cyanide. While accidentally swallowing a seed or two is unlikely to harm your dog, eating apple seeds can lead to poisoning over time.

Toss the stem and core as well, as they can pose a choking hazard.

Can dogs eat apples
Can dogs eat apples

Is it safe to feed apples to dogs?

Finally, apples are relatively safe for dogs to consume, whether red, yellow, or green. The hard, juicy fruits are high in fibre, which dogs, like humans, require. They contain carbohydrates, but not as many as other sugary fruits like bananas.

Apple Seeds

Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, which is released when they are broken or chewed (as do peach pits, pear seeds, and almonds). When giving your four-legged friend apple slices, make sure to remove all of the seeds. 

Furthermore, if you have apple trees in your garden or backyard, keep an eye out for fallen fruits. You never know what your canine companion will consume or chew on. 

Fortunately, the cyanide levels are relatively low and will not pose a significant risk after just one apple, but it can become a health concern if several apples’ worth of seeds are consumed or the poison accumulates over longer periods of exposure.

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Are Apple Seeds Poisonous to Dogs?

Apple seeds are toxic to both dogs and humans. Cyanide, a chemical found in apple seeds, can cause hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen delivery to the body. Among the symptoms are:

  • Mucous membranes that are brick-red
  • Pupils that are dilated
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Pooping
  • Surprise

Consumption of small amounts of apple seeds should not result in cyanide poisoning. However, consuming large amounts of seeds or a small amount on a regular basis can result in cyanide poisoning.

Apple skin

Can dogs eat apples with skin? is one of the most frequently asked questions by dog owners. The answer is yes, but only in moderation. Antioxidants and fibre are primarily found in the skin. However, consuming too much of it can cause indigestion. If your dog has a sensitive digestive system, peel the apple to reduce extra fibre.

What if my dog is allergic to certain foods?

There is a chance that your canine companion is allergic to apples. Anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition, can result from allergic reactions in rare cases. If you notice your dog sneezing, coughing, having difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue or face, or hives, stop giving them apples immediately and contact your veterinarian.

A pet insurance plan can help cover the cost of allergy tests and treatment, as well as vet care for a variety of other pet health issues.

How Much Apple Can My Dog Consume?

A good rule of thumb is one to three slices. When giving your dog an apple, cut it into slices to make it easier to chew and to remove potentially dangerous parts like the seeds. Remember to wash the apple before serving it.

What if my dog eats an excessive amount of apples?

When fed too many apples, especially tart ones, dogs, like humans, get upset stomachs or even diarrhoea. A daily apple is unlikely to keep the veterinarian away. Instead, as a healthy treat, use apple slices or small pieces on occasion

Also, keep in mind that raw apples are very different from processed apples. Canned or jarred apples are frequently preserved in high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, making them unfit for any dog. 

How to Safely Feed Apples to Your Dog

It may seem obvious, but if you give your dog an entire apple, even large dogs, they may wolf it down and choke. Apple pieces should be fed to your dog in moderation. Before feeding your dog apple, make sure to remove the core, seeds, and stem.

Introduce apples to your dog gradually, as you would any new fruit, vegetable, or food. Some dogs enjoy apples, but others may be allergic or hypersensitive to them. Remove the apple skin as well to avoid upsetting a dog’s stomach.

How Do I Make Apple Treats for My Dog?

Many inventive pet owners look for tasty and safe ways to spoil their dogs. So, can dogs eat apples in tasty ways? The good news is that they absolutely can! There are some healthy dog treats that you can make at home.

Some dogs prefer the crunchiness of raw apples, while others may enjoy cookies. Apple peanut butter cookies or cakes make an excellent sweet treat for a friend. To make these, combine unsweetened applesauce and peanut butter with the ingredients for your favourite cookie or cake. It’s time to bake the batter!

Roasted apple chips are another delectable treat. To make these, simply bake finely sliced apples in the oven until they become crispy.

Finally, apple pretzels are an option. The ingredients are the same as for regular pretzels, but unsweetened applesauce has been added. If your dog has a sweet tooth, they will adore all of these treats!

Remember that too much sugar or sweetener is bad for your dog, so use caution when making a treat for him.

If your dog has an unusual reaction to eating apples, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

In conclusion

Apples, when prepared properly, can be a safe, tasty, and nutritious treat for your dog!

We love seeing pups get as much variety as possible in their nutrition, but before you feed a new food to your pup, do a quick Google search to make sure it’s actually safe for them to eat. Many human foods that are beneficial to us may be harmful to our dogs.

Furthermore, stick to the fresh, whole-food version of whatever fruit or veggie treat you’re thinking of sharing; canned foods are frequently high in sodium and preservatives, neither of which your dog requires in their diet.

Finally, while fruits and vegetables can be part of a balanced meal or served as a treat, they should not be used in place of nutrient-diverse foods.

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Can dogs eat apples

Can dogs eat apples

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