which Indian breed of dog was introduced in the Indian army | Indian Army Dogs

India is a country that is known for its unique and diverse cultural traditions. Among these traditions, one that has been cherished since ancient times is the love and respect for dogs. For generations, dogs have been an integral part of Indian society, serving as loyal protectors and companions to their human counterparts.

In recent times, the Indian army has also recognized the potential of these furry warriors and has introduced various Indian breeds to serve in their forces. However, one particular breed stands out amongst the rest – the Mudhol Hound. This breed of dog has a unique history and pedigree, making it an ideal candidate for military service.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of the Mudhol Hound, its characteristics, and why it was chosen to serve in the Indian Army. So, buckle up dog lovers – we’re in for an exciting ride! which Indian breed of dog was introduced in the Indian army

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1. Introduction of Indian dog breeds in army

The Indian Army has an impressive inventory of dogs that serve various purposes, such as search and rescue, bomb detection, and security. Over the years, different breeds of dogs have been introduced in the Army, including both foreign and indigenous breeds. In recent years, there has been a push to include more Indian dog breeds into the Army’s inventory.

The Mudhol hound was the first Indian breed to be inducted into the Army, and the Bakharwal dog is another ancient Indian breed that has gained recognition. The Army’s dog units also include Labradors, German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, and Great Swiss Mountain dogs. The inclusion of Indian dog breeds in the Army showcases the country’s diverse and unique dog breeds while also strengthening the Army’s capabilities.

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2. Mudhol hound: First Indian breed inducted into Army

The Indian Army has always relied on dogs for various tasks, including detecting explosives and tracking down criminals. However, until 2016, the Army only used foreign breeds such as German Shepherds and Labradors. That changed when the Mudhol hound, also known as the Caravan Hound, was inducted into the Army, becoming the first Indian dog breed to join their ranks.

This breed, native to north Karnataka, has long been used by villagers for hunting and guarding. Before their induction into the Army, the Mudhol hounds underwent rigorous training at the Army’s Remount and Veterinary Corp (RVC) Centre and School, Bengaluru for two years.

Today, the breed is also included in the Prime Minister’s Special Protection Group (SPG) and the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and National Security Guard (NSG), solidifying their reputation as formidable and reliable canines. The Army now has a diverse range of dog breeds, but the Mudhol hound is undoubtedly an important and proud addition as the first Indian breed to serve the country.

which Indian breed of dog was introduced in the Indian army

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3. Rigorous training for Mudhol hounds

The Mudhol hounds may be a common pet among villagers in Karnataka, but for the Indian Army, they are trained to be guards with rigorous training. After undergoing a six-month training program at the Army’s Remount and Veterinary Corps center, the hounds are now ready for guard duty in Jammu.

The training program includes advanced obedience, tracking and detection, bite work, and obstacle course training. These skills are necessary for the dogs to patrol and sniff out explosives in the field. It is essential that the hounds are trained to be disciplined and obedient since they will be weapons of security for the army. Despite being an indigenous breed, the Mudhol hounds have proven to be an excellent addition to the army’s inventory, joining other imported breeds like the Belgian Malinois and the Great Swiss Mountain.

4. Mudhol hounds included in PM’s SPG for security

Mudhol hounds are not just trusted by the Indian Army and other government departments, but also by the Prime Minister’s Security Group (SPG). These Indian breeds of dogs have been included in the SPG for security reasons, due to their agility and alertness. This just goes to show the level of trust and reliability that these dogs have earned over the years.

The inclusion of Mudhol hounds in the SPG is a clear indication of their capabilities and their contribution towards ensuring the safety and security of the nation. It is a testament to the quality of these breeds and their ability to serve the nation in any capacity. The Indian Army should be commended for introducing and training these breeds to serve the country with distinction.

5. Bakharwal dog: Ancient working breed from Northern India

The Bakharwal dog, also known as the Gaddi Kutta or the Tibetan Mastiff, is an ancient working breed that hails from Northern India. This breed has a rich history and has been bred for centuries by the Bakarwal tribe in the Pir Panjal Range. While the Mudhol hound may have been the first Indian breed to be inducted into the army, the Bakharwal dog has also proven to be a valuable addition to the Indian Army’s inventory of dogs.

Along with various other breeds, the Bakharwal dog’s unique skills as a working and herding dog have been utilized in the army. In recent years, the Mudhol hounds have also been included in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and the National Security Guard (NSG) for their excellent abilities in detecting explosives. The Canine Research and Information Institute has played a significant role in promoting and preserving India’s native dog breeds, including the Bakharwal dog.

6. Various dog breeds in Indian Army’s inventory

The Indian Army has a diverse range of canine breeds in its inventory, ranging from the intelligent and loyal labrador to the specialized attack canines, Belgian Malinois. German Shepherds, originally developed by a German army officer specifically for military working dogs, remain one of the most popular breeds in the army. In contrast, the Great Swiss Mountain dog is trained primarily for search and rescue missions due to their excellent tracking ability.

With the inclusion of indigenous breed, the Mudhol hound, in the army’s inventory, there is an increased focus on training and utilizing more native breeds. The Canine Research and Information Institute has been instrumental in identifying and developing the potential of Indian dog breeds for army operations. With the inclusion of different breeds in the Indian Army’s inventory, they have a comprehensive and versatile canine force for their operations.

which Indian breed of dog was introduced in the Indian army

7. Inclusion of Mudhol hounds in CISF and NSG

The Mudhol hound, which was first introduced in the Indian Army’s inventory in 2017, has not only found a place in the Army’s dog squad but also in the elite National Security Guards’ (NSG) and Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). These hunting dogs, native to north Karnataka, underwent rigorous training for two years before being inducted into these top security agencies for their exceptional abilities in tracking, guarding and detecting explosives.

The NSG even expressed its interest in procuring puppies of Mudhol hounds from the Canine Research and Information Centre (CRIC) in Mudhol taluk of Bagalkot district. It is a testament to the proficiency of indigenous Indian dog breeds, and how they have carved their niche in the country’s security and defence sector.

8. Training of Mudhol hounds for 2 years before induction

Before Mudhol hounds were inducted into the Indian Army’s inventory, they had to undergo a rigorous training process that lasted for two years. The training took place at the Army’s Remount and Veterinary Corps Centre in Meerut, where the hounds were trained to obey commands and perform various tasks required for their role in the army. This included training in tracking, searching, and attacking when required.

The hounds also underwent physical training to ensure that they were fit and healthy for duty. Thanks to their intelligence and capacity to learn, the Mudhol hounds became the first Indian dog breed to be drafted into the army, setting a high standard for other indigenous breeds to follow. The inclusion of these dogs in the army’s inventory has not only promoted the use of indigenous breeds but also introduced a new level of efficiency in the army’s canine force.

9. Belgian Malinois and Great Swiss Mountain among army’s breeds

Apart from the Mudhol hound, the Indian Army has also inducted several other foreign breeds of dogs into their inventory. These include the highly trained Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, Labradors, and also the Great Swiss Mountain dog which is used in snow-bound areas. These breeds are highly trained and are suitable for multiple purposes like security, assault, and detection. They are rigorously trained and are an essential part of the Indian Army’s defense system.

The Army ensures that the dogs undergo through two years of rigorous training before being inducted into the service. The Belgian Malinois and the German Shepherd are two breeds that have a lot in common, as they both are highly trained and have a similar appearance. The Canine Research and Information Institute plays a critical role in identifying and training these breeds and thus contributing significantly to the defense system of India.

10. Canine Research and Information Institute’s contribution.

The Canine Research and Information Institute (CRII) has played a significant role in India’s military canine program. The CRII has conducted extensive research on Indian dog breeds, including the Mudhol hound, and has provided valuable information to the Indian Army to select suitable breeds for various duties. Their contribution has been crucial in identifying breeds that are adaptable to different terrains and weather conditions, making them the perfect fit for the challenging military environment.

In addition to research, the CRII has trained and certified dogs for various functions such as detecting explosives, search and rescue operations, and guard duty. Their efforts have helped elevate the status of Indian dog breeds and highlight their capabilities on a global platform. The inclusion of the Mudhol hound and other Indian breeds in the military is a testament to the CRII’s contribution to India’s defense program.

which Indian breed of dog was introduced in the Indian army

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